Vision, Mission & Beliefs

Vision 2018 - 2023
With the guidance of the Holy Trinity, understanding and compassion, the Church of the Ascension embraces our traditional Anglican foundation and seeks to grow as a Christ-centered community, living and sharing God's love through joyful worship, celebrating the sacraments, faithful stewardship and outreach to current and future generations.
The Church of the Ascension proclaims that Jesus is Lord and Saviour. Our congregation, through the inspiration of God, has flourished for over a century.
We open our doors to those who seek a better life. As a traditional Anglican parish, we offer spiritual guidance and support to those who worship with us.
The spirit of Ascension is alive in our worship, music, family, fellowship and fun.
Our mission is to reach out to all in the community with the Good News.
Welcome to happiness and salvation!
Beliefs [The Nicene Creed arose from the Council of Nicaea, held in 325 AD]
We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is, seen and unseen.
We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, of one being with the Father. Through him all things were made. For us and for our salvation he came down from heaven: by the power of the Holy Spirit he became incarnate from the Virgin Mary and was made man.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; he suffered death and was buried. On the third day he rose again in accordance with the scriptures; he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father. With the Father and the Son, he is worshipped and glorified. He has spoken through the prophets.
We believe in one holy, catholic and apostolic Church. We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.
Clergy at The Church of the Ascension devote themselves to the ministry of the church and strive, with God’s help, to pattern their lives after Christ’s teachings. They are merciful to all, show love of God and neighbour, show compassion to the poor and strangers and defend those who have no helper.
In Anglican sacramental theology, certain ministerial functions can only be performed by ordained ministers of the sacraments ("clergy" refers to either a deacon, priest, or bishop):
Baptism: clergy
Confirmation: bishop
Eucharist: bishop or priest
Reconciliation of a penitent: bishop or priest
Healing (Anointing): bishop or priest
Matrimony: bishop or priest.

The Reverend Canon Smith, Rector, is the priest-in-charge who oversees all aspects of parish life at The Church of the Ascension. He directs the worship life of the church and provides leadership, encouragement, and spiritual support in the parish and in the wider community.
Canon Smith is responsible for all church administration which includes oversight of clergy, staff, churchwardens, Parish Council, the various groups & committees within the church and Vestry. Canon Smith leads and encourages support of the Parish’s Mission & Ministry Plan, Vision Statement and all parish and diocesan policies and practices.
Lance S. Smith grew up in London, Ontario. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts (Philosophy) in 1992 and a Master of Divinity in 1995 from Western University at London, Ontario. Reverend Lance Smith was appointed to the Parish of Trinity, Simcoe in the Diocese of Huron in 1995 when he was ordained deacon and was ordained priest later that same year on the Feast of St. Andrew. He went on to serve as Rector of St. Peter's, Dorchester and St. Barnabas', Windsor before being inducted Rector of The Church of the Ascension in January 2006.
Canon Lance is a gifted orator who consistently offers topical, thought-provoking, intelligent, bible-based sermons. Our parish is truly blessed by his ability to apply and make practical the lessons from Scripture and two millennia of traditional Christian worship to the realities of living in a secular society in our busy, modern era.
Since 2015, Father Lance has served as a Chaplain with the Windsor Police Service.
Beginning in 2020 and continuing throughout the pandemic, Canon Lance produced and hosted the television program 'Reflection' which was broadcast each week on Sunday on the local COGECO Cable station 11 "YourTV Windsor". Though the program is no longer offered via Cogeco, episodes are still available on YouTube (see link on Home page).
Father Lance is passionate about motorcycles, sports (especially ice hockey) and is involved as a player, coach and hockey dad.
Canon Lance and his wife of over 30 years, Paula, have lived in the Windsor area since the Fall of 2001.
The Reverend Canon Dr. Don Hull, Honourary Associate [retired clergy]
The Rev'd Canon Dr. Hull, Honourary Associate (and retired Incumbent) assists at services, undertakes pastoral visitation and leads study groups. He occasionally fills Sunday Supply for area churches within the diocese.
Donald H. Hull was born and raised on an eastern Ontario dairy farm. He attended the University of Ottawa and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics in 1970 and Master of Education in 1972. In his early years he taught at the elementary school level and later as a high school mathematics teacher in Ottawa, Ontario. Mr. Hull went on to earn a Master of Divinity from Queens University in 1982.
In mid-life he pursued a change of career, leading to ordination in the Anglican Church of Canada, Diocese of Huron; he was installed as deacon on May 24th, 1990 and as priest on November 29th, 1990. Rev'd Hull served The Church of the Ascension as Assistant Priest from 1990 to 1993 and as Rector from 1994 to 2004.
After completing his Doctor of Ministry degree from the Ashland Theological Seminary (Ohio, USA) in 1990, Reverend Canon Dr. Hull became Principal in 2003 at Canterbury College, an Anglican institution affiliated with the University of Windsor. There, he taught New Testament studies to those pursuing degrees in Theology and Religious Studies, until his retirement in 2008.
Canon Dr. Hull is personable, intelligent and gifted as a teacher, he continues to lecture part-time and leads Bible Study groups. He is a published author (Tangleville: Just About Any Town, Anywhere [2016], Untangling Tangleville: Stepping Out! Just as Any Town Can [2017], and Does Father Know Best? [2019]). Canon Dr. Hull is a serious woodworker, photographer and sports car enthusiast.
Canon Dr. Don Hull lives in the Windsor area with Faye, his wife of over 55 years; they enjoy spending time with their three children and their families, including five grandchildren.
The Venerable Commander Dr. Ronald Matthewman, Archdeacon, Honourary Associate [retired clergy]
The Venerable Commander Dr. Ronald Matthewman, Archdeacon, Honourary Associate (and retired Incumbent) and remains a valued member of the parish.
Ronald Matthewman was born and educated in England, where he spent his youth, leading up to and during WWII. He served in the British Military University Training Program just after the war’s end, from 1947 to 1950. He attended Saint Paul’s Theological Centre, in South Kensington, England, starting in 1950 and graduating in 1954 with an Honours Bachelor of Theology Degree in Christian Education and Child Psychology. He was ordained as Deacon in 1953 at Saint Paul’s Cathedral, London, England, the seat of the Bishop of London, and the Cathedral of the Anglican Communion.
Reverend Ron Matthewman and his new bride, Dorothy, immigrated to Canada following his graduation in 1954. He was appointed the Curate and Director of Christian Education at Saint John the Evangelist Anglican Church in Kitchener, Ontario in the Diocese of Huron. He was ordained a Priest there by the Bishop of Huron in December 1954. Rev'd Ron Matthewman was inducted as Rector at St. Mark’s Anglican Church, Diocese of Huron, in Brantford, ON, where he served from 1956 to 1958. He moved to Trinity Anglican Church in Aylmer, ON, and served as Rector from 1958 to 1969.
Rev'd Ron Matthewman was inducted as Rector at The Church of the Ascension in 1969 where he faithfully served for the next 24 years until his retirement in 1993. In 1976 Rev'd Ron Matthewman was appointed Canon of Saint Paul’s Cathedral, London, ON, the mother church of The Diocese of Huron. In addition to his calling as Rector, The Venerable Ronald Matthewman was appointed as Archdeacon of Essex in 1986 and served in that role until 1994.
From 1976 to 1980 he was the President of Canterbury College, an Anglican institution affiliated with the University of Windsor. He served on the Board of Governors at the University of Windsor from 1978 to 2007. In recognition of his service and many contributions, he was awarded an honourary Doctor of Laws Degree by Assumption University, a Roman Catholic university federated with the University of Windsor.
The Venerable Commander Dr. Ronald Matthewman served as a Chaplain of HMCS Hunter, in Windsor, ON, and as the Senior Chaplain, Canadian Forces Naval Reserve from 1970 until 1986. He is a founding member of The Royal Canadian Military Institute.
Archdeacon Matthewman is a founding member of The Knights Templar, Canadian Priory of the Ascension of Our Lord, Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem; this ecumenical Christian international organization operates as a modern-day network of educated professionals.
The Reverend Dr. Wayne Malott, Honourary Associate [retired clergy]
Rev.'d Dr. Wayne Malott, Honourary Associate (retired) assists at the 8:30 am services.
Rev.'d Dr. Malott attended the University of Windsor and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts; he went on to earn his Doctor of Chiropractic at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College in Toronto. Wayne’s first career was as a Chiropractor: “I always thought I was going to be a teacher but then in my last term of university I took a detour and found myself studying to be a chiropractor.” He worked as an associate for six years in Chatham, ON before establishing a successful practice in Stratford, ON for 20 years.
Rev.'d Dr. Malott was ordained to the priesthood at the end of November 2010 and served as a Priest Assistant at St. David’s and St. Mark’s in Windsor. He later served as Rector at Trinity Anglican Church in Bayfied, ON
before retiring to Windsor, ON in 2019.
Rev.'d Dr. Malott and his wife Lori are now retired and live in Windsor, ON
The Reverend Frederick Eldridge, Deacon
Rev.'d Eldridge, Deacon, assists the Rector at worship - particularly setting up the altar for the Eucharist reading the Gospel and other duties assigned by the Rector. He ministers as a Spiritual Director, in Pastoral Care and in community outreach. Deacon Frederick manifests the Church to the world as he guides Tuesday Bible Study, the Wednesday evening Christian Meditation Group, the Saturday morning Prayer Shawl Ministry and in hospital visitation of the sick and dying.
Having been born and raised in the immediate neighbourhood of The Church of the Ascension, and confirmed there in February 1957, he is truly a much loved “son of the parish”.
He graduated from the University of Western Ontario in 1966 with a Bachelor of Arts in English. He was a well-respected high school English teacher for more than 32 years, with the last 22 years at Essex District High School, Essex, Ontario. He retired as a public-school educator in 1998.
Following retirement, he became a Hospice volunteer and continues so to this day; additionally, he began taking courses in theology at Canterbury College, Windsor and later at Assumption University.
In 2006 he began attending The Haden Institute at Mt. Carmel Monastery in Niagara Falls, Ontario and graduated in 2008 as a Spiritual Director. In 2009 Deacon Frederick was appointed to The Church of the Ascension, Windsor in the Diocese of Huron when he was ordained to the Diaconate (with Spiritual Direction as his outreach ministry), on Saint Andrew’s Day, October 30th.
The Reverend Deacon Eldridge earned a Masters, Pastoral Ministry degree in 2010 from Assumption University [federated with the University of Windsor]. In 2012 he was honoured by Assumption University as one of its “Graduates of the Century”.
Deacon Fred is every part still a teacher and is decidedly engaged in the everyday life of the Church as he devotedly ministers to its people and their needs. This attitude also carries over into his community work as chaplain and secretary at The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 143. In his spare time, he enjoys his home, pets, reading and listening to podcasts and music.