Church Life and Upcoming Events
Centering Prayer is back. Tuesdays at 2:00 pm. Starting January 7th.
Sunday February 16th Annual Parish Vestry Meeting. The BAC will be providing a soup and sandwich luncheon, with a free-will offering.
Sunday March 2nd SouperBowl. Please contact the office if you would like the chance to have your soup immortalized by February 23rd to get in on the ballet.
St Katherines is collecting warm hats, gloves and scarves for the needy. This is the last week.
Collection Envelopes for 2025 are at the back. Both e-transfers and Pre-authorized payments are also available methods. Contact the office if interested in this paperless method.
Income Tax Donation Receipts for 2024 are now available.
Choir practices have resumed on Thursday nights at 7:00 pm. Please speak with Trudy if you would like to join. I'm going to put on pause as I am unsure right now what will happen with Trudy having to step back. Will update when I know more.
Wednesday January 1st New Year's Day 10:00 am Holy Communion
The Church Office will be closed from Christmas Eve through to New Year's Day, reopening January 2nd.
The ladies Auxiliary from the Church is in need of new members. Since COVID they have lost many of their members. They meet occasionally on Sunday mornings. They have worked gathering items in need for several outreach programs. They have aslo done the Sundae Sunday and teamed up with the BAC to do some of the meals. They understand you may not be able to help out all the time but when you can is vastly appreciated.
Canterbury College is looking for volunteers to help with the Student Dinners. See poster in parish hall for more information.
We are once again looking for volunteers for the following:
Greeters to welcome parishioners
Readers for the scriptures during service
Hosts for coffee hour
If interested please contact the office and let us know how you would like to get involved.